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Monday, February 24, 2014

Mexican Sweethearts

Time for another Cupboard Cleaner!

Growing up, my dad used to make us a treat called Mexican Sweethearts. I have no idea if this is actually a traditional Mexican dish - and I have my doubts considering this is the same man who convinced my sister and I that tofu was Chinese bacon... ha! Anyways, Mexican Sweethearts are a great way to use up left-over flour tortillas. There always seem to be a few stragglers after making tacos, enchiladas, etc.

Mexican Sweethearts
Makes: 6 sweethearts

6 flour tortillas (any size)
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
butter or margarine
  • Mix together the cinnamon and sugar, set aside.
  • Heat up a non-stick skillet over medium-medium high heat.
  • Once the pan is very hot, place one of the tortillas in the dry pan.
  • Cook for about 5 - 10 seconds on each side until they puff up and brown.
  • Remove from heat and spread butter on the tortilla so that it melts.
  • Sprinkle 1/2 tsp of the cinnamon and sugar mixture over the tortilla, then roll it up like a cigar.

This recipe is so simple but your kids will love it and it will clear out all of those extra tortillas hanging out in your cupboard!

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