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Sunday, June 2, 2013

How not to grill

Erica, this post is for you.

One thing that I have learned about cooking and life in general is that you are going to fail sometimes. And it's ok. What's important is that you learn from your mistakes. Even with my years of experience in cooking, I still mess up (quite a bit). But I've never regretted any of my mistakes because they were all learning experiences. Today, I'll share one of those experiences with you.

A couple of weeks ago, we had some friends over for dinner. Matt and I love chicken wings so I decided that some wings on the grill would be delicious. I was so proud of myself. I made a delicious marinade of olive oil and garlic and marinated the wings all day. Once they were cooked, I was going to toss them in some buffalo sauce. These were going to be great.

I've made chicken wings at least 100 times in my life. However, I usually bake them. I've never grilled wings before. I know that I always bake wings at 375° F for 45 minutes. So, I figured since the grill is direct heat (which cooks food faster), I would cook them on medium and reduce the time to about 30 minutes. 


My poor wings were obliterated. There was literally nothing left of them. They were charcoal haha. Good thing I made lots of pasta salad... So, next time I'm going to try low heat for about 15 - 20 minutes. I'll let you know how that turns out.

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